AMWC Rebates

Turf Conversion Rebate
The purpose of the Lawn-to-Garden Rebate Program is convert water-thirsty lawns to water-efficient gardens that include water-conserving plants, permeable surfaces, or synthetic turf areas and convert overhead irrigation systems to drip irrigation systems.

Flow Sensor Pilot Program
AMWC will rebate the shareholder for purchase and installation of a flow sensor device that electronically measures, transmits to a web portal, and electronically reports water use at the property at least once hourly and is designed for at least two years of continuous operation.

Weather-Based Irrigation Program
The purpose of the Weather-Based Irrigation Program is to encouarge customers to reduce the amount of landscape water used and improve landscape irrigation efficiency by utilizing weather-based irrigation controllers as a tool to improve irrigation management.

High-Efficiency Toilet Rebate (HET/DFT)
The intent of the High-Efficiency Toilet Rebate program is to encourage customers to upgrade their toilets from 1.6 gpf or greater to 1.3 gpf single or dual flush.

High-Efficiency Clothes Washer (HECW)
The intent of the High-Efficiency Clothes Washer Rebate is to encourage the use of water-efficient appliances, with the added benefits of energy efficiencies.

Pressure Reducing Valve Program (PRV Rebate Program)
This program is an incentive for shareholders whose residential properties have static pressure of 80 pounds per square inch (psi) or higher. Reducing high water pressure saves water and prevents damage to pipes, appliances and water fixtures.

Rainwater Harvesting Rebate Program
The purpose of the Rainwater Harvesting Rebate Program is to encourage customers to reduce the amount of landscape water used by installing cisterns or storage tanks to capture rainfall and offset demand during dry periods.