What is the "Lead Ban"?
In 1986, Congress amended the Safe Water Drinking Water Act to prohibit the use of pipes, solder, or flux that were not “lead- free” in public water systems or plumbing in facilities providing water for human consumption. At the time, "lead- free” was defined as solder and flux with no more than 0.2% lead and pipes with no more than 8%.
PLEASE Complete your Customer Side Lead Line Inventory Form!
How can lead enter my drinking water?
In some cases, lead can enter drinking water through the buried water pipes located between your home and your water meter. These pipes are called service lines. In homes served by a lead service line, the service line is the most significant source of lead in drinking water.
AMWC has no record of ever having installed lead service lines between the water mains and its customers’ meters.
AMWC does not install and is not responsible for the service lines between homes and businesses, and, therefore, does not have records regarding the materials used in those service lines.
How can I determine if my service line or tap water has lead?
Inspect your home's pipes and fittings. You may have lead service lines if they are grey, appear silvery when easily scratched with a key, and a magnet does not stick to them.

What can I do now to keep my family safe?
If you find you have lead water service pipes, replace them with another material as soon as possible.
If you are concerned that your child has been exposed to lead from water or other sources, ask your pediatrician to perform a blood lead test to determine if any lead is detected.
To reduce lead in your tap water, flush pipes that have not been used for more than 6 hours until the water feels very cold. To save water, collect the running water and use it to water plants not intended for eating.
Use only cold water for drinking, cooking, and baby formula. If water needs to be heated, heat cold tap water on the stove or in a microwave. Do not use hot tap water, as it is more likely to have lead in it. Boiling the water does not remove lead.
Consider using a water filter registered to reduce lead in your tap water. You may click on the "Drinking Water Filters Certified to Reduce Lead" link below to download a listing of filters that reduce lead in tap water. You will learn how to identify filters certified to reduce lead by the certification marks on the packaging. If you replace your lead service lines, your water utility will provide you with a water filter and instructions on how to flush your water service pipes.
Periodically clean your water faucet's aerator (screen) to remove contaminants.
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