Hydrant Meters

Water may be available for construction use from a fire hydrant within AMWC’s service area. Water may only be withdrawn from hydrants through an AMWC-owned hydrant meter.
In order to protect the water rights of AMWC's shareholders, water is not allowed to be transported out of AMWC's service area for any reason.

AMWC will provide a hydrant meter with fittings to attach to fire hydrants and a security chain, and may include a flow reducer to protect the water distribution system from damage. The use of a hydrant meter is restricted to one location, and will be attached or removed by AMWC personnel only. An air gap or certified backflow prevention device must be used at all times.
A “set-up-charge” and deposit will be charged for rental of a hydrant meter and hydrant wrench, and there will be a monthly minimum water rate charge. The amount of water included in the minimum rate, and the rate used to calculate the charges for the water used beyond the amount included in the minimum rate, will be the same rates used for single-family residences. Penalties relative to account payments are the same as for other customer accounts. There will be a charge to move the hydrant meter to another location if neededDamage to AMWC equipment will be deducted from the deposit.
Any violation of any AMWC rules may result in loss of all privileges granted to a customer.
AMWC’s General Manager must approve requests for the use of fire hydrant water for any purpose other than construction use.
The Hydrant Meter Rental Agreement is available on the Forms page.