Rainfall & Weather
Atascadero Mutual Water Company maintains a weather station at 6575 Sycamore Road, near the confluence of Atascadero Creek and the Salinas River.
Our automated weather station logs temperature, humidity, wind speed, precipitation, barometric pressure, and solar radiation. Rain amount shown is the total amount recorded since midnight local time and the seasonal total includes all precipitation for the current rainfall year which begins on July 1. Data from the AMWC weather station is refreshed at 5-minute intervals.
Additional rainfall data for locations throughout San Luis Obispo County is available on the county's rain and stream data monitoring page at wr.slocountywater.org [link opens in new window]
Data automatically updates every 5 minutes
Rain amount shown is total since midnight local time
Seasonal total is for current rain year starting July 1
Data Sharing
Data from our automated weather station is uploaded to Weather Underground every 5 minutes. Our Weather Underground PWS ID is KCAATASC252.
Historical Records
Annual precipitation amounts for this location have been monitored since 1915. A PDF file containing past and current precipitation data can be downloaded below. This file is updated by 4 PM, Monday through Friday (except holidays).
Drought Information
Current drought information for Atascadero and San Luis Obispo County can be obtained from the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS), California Water Watch, and California Drought Action.