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Board of Directors


Members of the Atascadero Mutual Water Company Board of Directors are committed to work on your behalf to ensure your water company is providing you, its shareholders, with a continuous, safe, and reliable supply of water at a reasonable cost while providing the highest level of customer service.  For its service to the shareholders, the Board members receive a monthly stipend of $500.

AMWC Bylaws [PDF}

Leroy Davis

Leroy Davis

 Leroy Davis was born and raised in Atascadero.  Mr. Davis has been in the farming and ranching business all his life.  He is involved in the Davis Family Trust, which formerly owned "3F Meadows."  He has been active in community affairs through the Jaycees, Wranglerettes, and San Luis Obispo County's Atascadero Advisory Committee for the Atascadero General Plan, and he is an Elk's charter member.  He is also involved in the “Lakes Development.”  He has been a Director of Company since 1980 and has served several terms as President and Vice President.

Robert ("Grigger") Jones

Robert ("Grigger") Jones

  Grigger Jones was an attorney in Atascadero for 32 years (1979-2011). He was City Attorney and City Clerk for Atascadero, served on the Planning Commission, and is the current Chairman of the Citizen Sales Tax Oversight Committee. Grigger is a founding and current Commissioner of the Nacimiento Water Project Commission, serves on the Atascadero Water Basin GSA, and serves as the President of the Cuesta College Foundation. He has been a Director of Company since 1991 and has served several terms as President and Vice President.

Past community service includes President of Atascadero Rotary, President/CEO/Chairman of the Atascadero Chamber, Board member/Chair of NCI Affiliates, Atascadero Loaves & Fishes (ALF), CA State Hospital Advisory Board, SLO County Fish and Game Fine Committee, and North County Women’s Shelter.

Grigger is a U.S. Army Veteran, a graduate of the Defense Language Institute and served as a Translator for the Army Security Agency in Berlin, Germany, until 1972. He is a graduate of UCSB (BA) and University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law (JD).

Jackie Lerno

Jackie Lerno

Jackie Lerno has lived in Atascadero since 1976. She was born and raised in Templeton.  Mrs. Lerno has worked in the escrow industry since 1976. She has been a residential loan specialist since 1997 and is currently employed by Avalon Home Loans in Atascadero. She is past President of Loaves & Fishes and the Atascadero Rotary Club. She is currently a member of the Atascadero Chamber, where she was honored as Citizen of the Year in 1995.  She has been a Director of the Company since 1995 and has served several terms as President and Vice President.

D. Frank Platz

D. Frank Platz

Frank Platz is a native of Atascadero.  He has been very active in the community as a charter member of the Atascadero Jaycees, 65-year member and past President of Rotary, and a member of the Grand Jury and Atascadero Chamber. He also served as San Luis Obispo County Civil Service Commissioner for eight years.  Mr. Platz owns a propane business and is past President of the Western Propane Gas Association and State Director of the National Propane Gas Association.  He has been a Director of the Company since 1969 and has served several terms as President and Vice President.

Brien Vierra

Brien Vierra

Brien Vierra was born and raised in Atascadero.  He is active in managing the family ranch, along with his own engineering company. Prior to running his engineering firm, he was employed as a district superintendent and project manager for a Fortune 500 company where he was a representative for various joint venture companies and technical committees. Mr. Vierra has over 30 years of experience working with pipelines, pump stations, tank storage, and environmental permitting. He has been active in the community through coaching various sports activities and involvement in 4H. He has been a director of Atascadero Mutual Water Company since 2008 and has served as President and Vice President of the Company.

Duties of the Directors

  • Fiduciaries of AMWC, including AMWC’s 401(k) plan.

  • Establish corporate policies to be administered by staff.

  • Review and approve the annual operating and capital improvement budgets and establish rates for services.

  • Review and approve the monthly financial statements and the annual audit.

  • Direct efforts in litigation, such as the Steinbeck Quiet Title action and AMWC’s complaint against PFAS chemical manufacturers.

  • Hear and consider shareholder input on various policies and issues and determine if adjustments are warranted.

  • Review various agreements such as interagency agreements, land leases and licenses, easements, and others, and direct staff as to what action to take.

  • Represent AMWC on agency boards and commissions, such as the Nacimiento Water Project Commission and the Atascadero Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency.

  • Review and approve grant or other funding applications.

  • Review and approve reports required by various governing agencies, such as the Urban Water Management Plan, Water Shortage Continency Plan, etc.

  • Must take/have the ethics training required AB54

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